Be an AI expert in your field.

Mathematics, physics, engineering, Biology, pharmacology, medicine.

Energy, building automation, Modelling, Simulation, Intelligent control design.

Video games, cybersecurity, Internet search engines, Recommendation systems,  intelligent algorithms, Wireless communications.

Stock market, Insurance, Banking Credits, Risk assessment, Fraud detection.

Education, Arts, Languages, PLN, Culture, AI-Driven Leadership.

Data Science in business, Designing AI systems in production, Model Explainability methods, Developing a real AI project

Would you like to be an applied AI engineer?

Learn the knowledge and techniques on applied artificial intelligence.

About Us

Futur-IA will help you achieve success in your professional career.

You will have different learning options according to your needs.

No matter who you are, we’ve got what you need.


Private clients

Grade students and postgraduate students of any field.



University professors will be able to find material and didactic units for their classes.

Professional Firms

Professional Firms

The human resources departments of the companies can find the training in AI for their employees.

UNIRI | Sveučilište u Rijeci
Universidad de Málaga
TalTech | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
International Balkan University (IBU)
North Macedonia
Mednarodna podiplmska šola Jožeta Štefana
Hochschule Offenburg